Another Your Creative Mentor update – – Chilliwack’s community based, digital arts, creative revolution with Matthew Vogt!
Today Thursday July 21st, I visited Central Elementary and it looks like we have 12 spots open for creative learning with 3D animation (using Blender 3D software). It will be close quarters but nothing we can’t handle to lay a foundation, light years ahead of one’s formal education! Remember, the software we’re using is open-source (free to download at home) and is very similar to industry standard tool-sets. For example, Big Buck Bunny, was created entirely using Blender.
This week, we’re deep into the workshop at Promontory elementary. 17 kidlets (ages 7-18), all creative, all the time. It’s going really well – we were not sure of such big #’s, but everyone seems very eager, well behaved, and excited to learn something that’s recognizable in a variety of mediums: film, video games and VFX! And to think, I didn’t find my introduction until grade 10….. great for them!

(Attack of the Giant Monkey – Sebastian, 2011)
So Central Elementary in August is a go! We already have a seat taken, as our first down-payment was received yesterday (thanks Marilyn). Also, we found out the ‘Paypal / Credit Card’ wasn’t working (thanks Rhonda) – well it sure is now!
Central Elementary – 10:00-11:30, August 3rd-31st Every Wednesday. $75.00
So reserve your young learner’s seat(s) today! (if you would prefer to pay in cash or cheque I can meet you at the school – please reply to this email or call @ 604-799-1213)

(Battle in the Sky – Linden, 2010)
And what if your summer plans don’t fit? We’re finalizing the details with Greendale Elementary for a weekly workshop, Wednesdays, starting mid September. Promontory Elementary? Mid October as well!
Hope you’re all enjoying your summer!
Matthew Vogt
– don’t hate, just animate –