Summer Announcement!


Contact me for scheduling!  At the moment, it's pretty open, evenings, mornings, Mondays, Thursdays etc – lets slot it up!

2 thoughts on “Summer Announcement!

  1. Brenda

    Hi Matt,
    My apologies, but I just wanted to clarify if it was 1 day/wk for 1.5 hours for 5 weeks, or if by 1.5hr sessions, weekly for 5 weeks, you mean 1.5hrs per day (5 days/wk) per week? 
    It definitely looks like something our son would be interested in. 
    Thank you

    1. Matt Vogt Post author

      Hey Brenda thanks!!

      Gosh I’m going to have to change that poster now hahaha.

      What we were hoping for is two 5 week sessions at $75, one in July, one in August at 1.5, one day a week. Not sure the day of the week yet for each (maybe more than one depending on class size).

      That said Brenda – would that be ok to have your young learner in a 5 week course this summer? I’d be more than happy about that!

      Let us know!

      (your creative … you get the picture)


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