VSB Springbreak Workshop FILLED UP

We had a great workshop at Kits Secondary over springbreak – a a 4 day, 2:15 hr intensive with http://Blender.org.  We had 21 kids making whatever they wanted:  some interior design, some buildings, the deathstar, and of course characters!

Super fun!  Super Creative Learning!~


We put Blender, as it’s non-install runnable on anything, on USB sticks – kids saved their work and took it home to revolutionize the 3D Industry 🙂

Greendale’s 3D Animation (2012 Team Project)

Here it is folks!  Our learners over at Greendale Elementary had another workshop with YCM.  This time, since the group had previous experience, we planned and created an animation that had a little something for everyone… robots…. horses…. spaceships etc hahaha!

Without further ado, please enjoy!

Great work guys!



January 2012 3D Courses!

Start the year off right by giving your youngster the gift of 3D animation!

$75.00, 5 weeks, 1.5 hrs each week; afterschool, 3:30 – 5:00

Promontory:  Wednesdays Jan 25th – Feb 22nd

Greendale: Thursdays Jan 19th to Feb 16th

Due to the ever expansive nature of 3D Animation, we do encourage return mentees!

We’ll be accepting payments the week before, please let me know if you’d like to save a seat!

We’ll need around 5-10 confirmed spots to run!

Any questions?  Reserve your spots today:
(stay animated)

3D Greendale – One Week Away!

3D animation lessons for kids

Just a quick heads up!  A week today, Greendale 3D Animation lessons start up!  They’ve been pushed back one week as the computer lab is being worked on. Those of you I talked with about this, thanks for your understanding!

  • From:  Wednesdays Sept 21st – Oct -19th
  • To:       Wednesdays Sept 28th – Oct -26th (5 sessions)

We almost have room left in both sessions:

  • 2:00 – 3:30 (great for Greendale students and homeschoolers)
  • 3:30 – 5:00 (rest of Chilliwack!  After school)

5 sessions, 1.5 hours each, $75.00.  Can’t beat it!

Payment required to save a seat for your young learners.:

Expect similar courses at Central Elementary come mid October!

Any questions, interest, or comments please call or email me
(reply to this)!  Thanks for all your comments and support!

Thanks everyone,
Stay Animated,
Matthew Vogt

Workshop: Greendale Elementary!

We’re moving forward! School starts on Tuesday!  3D Animation in Chilliwack – shortly thereafter!

3D animation lessons for kids
(art by Derek, August 2011)

Now Announcing a new workshop in a high quality facility – Greendale Elementary!  Complete with giant computer lecture hall and projection screen!  Woohoo!

  • Ages 8-18
  • $75.00
  • Time:  2:00-3:30 and 3:30-5:00 (2:00 for Greendale students, 3:30 for the rest of Chilliwack!)
  • Every Wednesday for 5 times!  September 21st – October 19th 2011.

3D animation lessons for kids
(Jayden’s cityscape – August 2011)

5 sessions:

  1. Introduction, UI (user interface) = snowman assignment, nav
  2. Modeling, (making things in 3D) = spaceships, characters, etc
  3. Materials, Lights, Shadows (rendering)
  4. Animation I = project work
  5. Animation II = project work cont’

As you’ll see by our student work, we cover the basics and build upon our unique interests as the course ensues.  This allows for return students who wish to further their creative work.  Additionally, since we use Blender 3D, an open-source 3D animation software package, learners will be able to continue their exploration and studies at home for years to come! See you there!

Reserve your seat today! Payment in full is required, you may do so cash, cheque or credit/paypal:
( http://www.yourcreativementor.com/pay/ )

3D animation lessons for kids
(Liam’s monkey head ball simulation – August 2011)

Further Information:

We will also be having workshops in the Fall with Promontory Elem, more at Central’s (Octoberish) and maybe even Cultus.  Details to come!

Thanks everyone!  Hope your long weekend is great and don’t forget your animation survival kits for back to school supplies!

Stay Animated,
Matthew Vogt
(ps: you can reply to this email if you’d like to)
(ps v2: tell a friend about these courses! please forward the emails!)